- underdeveloped
- недопроявленный
English-Russian astronomy dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian astronomy dictionary. 2013.
underdeveloped — UK US /ˌʌndədɪˈveləpt/ US / dɚ / adjective ► ECONOMICS having little or no modern industry, few modern services, and a weak economy: »Many of these regions are very underdeveloped. ► not as advanced or powerful as possible or expected: »They… … Financial and business terms
underdeveloped — [un΄dər di vel′əpt] adj. not developed to the proper or desirable degree; specif., so inadequately developed economically and industrially as to have a relatively low standard of living [underdeveloped nations] … English World dictionary
underdeveloped — 1892, in the photography sense, UNDER (Cf. under) + pp. of DEVELOP (Cf. develop). In ref. to countries or regions, recorded from 1949 … Etymology dictionary
underdeveloped — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not fully developed. 2) (of a country or region) not advanced economically. DERIVATIVES underdevelopment noun … English terms dictionary
underdeveloped — adjective Date: 1892 1. not normally or adequately developed < underdeveloped muscles > < underdeveloped film > 2. having a relatively low economic level of industrial production and standard of living (as from lack of capital) < underdeveloped… … New Collegiate Dictionary
underdeveloped — un|der|de|vel|oped [ ,ʌndərdı veləpt ] adjective 1. ) an underdeveloped country or region is poor and does not have modern industries or advanced technology. Many people consider this to be an offensive word, and prefer to use the word developing … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
underdeveloped — [[t]ʌ̱ndə(r)dɪve̱ləpt[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n An underdeveloped country or region does not have modern industries and usually has a low standard of living. Some people dislike this term and prefer to use developing. Underdeveloped countries should be … English dictionary
underdeveloped — UK [ˌʌndə(r)dɪˈveləpt] / US [ˌʌndərdɪˈveləpt] adjective 1) economics an underdeveloped country or region is poor and does not have modern industries or advanced technology. Many people consider this to be an offensive word, and prefer to use the… … English dictionary
underdeveloped — un·der·de·vel·oped .ən dər di vel əpt adj not normally or adequately developed <underdeveloped muscles> <underdeveloped lungs> … Medical dictionary
underdeveloped — un|der|de|vel|oped [ˌʌndədıˈveləpt US dər ] adj 1.) underdeveloped country/region etc a country, area etc that is poor and where there is not much modern industry →developing country 2.) not having grown or developed as much as is usual or… … Dictionary of contemporary English
underdeveloped — poor The inference is that a greater degree of development was or is attainable and desirable. It may describe sovereign states or regions: The use of underdeveloped is a clue to a state of mind, that of the international dogooders.… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms